Spiritual Egypt Tour April 2025

Spiritual Egypt Tour: 2 -13 April 2025

Highlights include:

  • Private visit to the Great Pyramid
  • Private visit to the Sphinx
  • Private Nile cruise on a traditional sailing boat for 4 nights
  • Major sites of initiation
  • Spiritual teachings from ancient Egypt to deepen your experience
  • Experience how the Temple of Man in Luxor resonates with the human body
  • Magical Temple of Seti at Abydos
  • Walk the ancient ceremonial way from Karnak to Luxor
  • Visit to the Sekhmet Lioness Chapel
  • Saqqara & Pyramid of Unas
  • Isis, Hathor, Horus & Osiris Temples

Reservation deadline 25 August 2025. To reserve a place contact us as soon as possible by email or WhatsApp +44 747 474 2796 or PM Helen Forty on Messanger/facebook

Minimum fee US$ 5,860

Tour Leaders: Helen & Daniel

Together Helen & Daniel will share teachings and guide you through the ancient sites to help you feel the energies and have your own experience.

Helen Forty: Helen remembers lifetimes in ancient Egypt where she trained in the temples of Isis & Bast as a spiritual initiate. Her soul feels deeply connected to Egypt and her passion is infectious. She is very knowledgeable about the spiritual wisdom of ancient Egypt. Highly intuitive she also teaches ancient Egyptian channeling and healing.

Daniel Darby: Like Helen, Daniel can also draw on past life memories in Egypt. He feels a connection with the Osiris, Khnum and Sekhmet temples. In this life he is a shamanic practitioner with a strong foundation in Native American spiritual practices. He is a skilled ceremonialist , hands-on healer and experienced at sensing energies.


Day 1: Arrival and transfer to our hotel: Le Meridien Cairo Airport Hotel.

Welcome Gathering

Early evening we’ll have a meeting to share and set our intentions for our spiritual adventure.

Day 2: Grounding and adjusting to being in Egypt.

Giza Plateau

We start at the Giza plateau with the famous pyramids and the Sphinx. Explore the elegant simplicity of the ‘Valley’ Temple with its alabaster floor and hairline joints between huge megalithic  blocks. We’ll share theories about the monuments so that when we return again several days later for private access we will be free to focus on feeling and spiritual experience.

We’ll have a camel ride and an enjoyable lunch together.

Fly to Aswan
In the afternoon we fly south to Aswan and check into the Basma Hotel . The colours of the Nile and land beside the river are beautiful here.

Day 3: Today we visit temples built on islands.

All islands were considered sacred because they symbolize the original mound of creation.

Kalabsha Temple: Sacred Cycles

This temple is dedicated to a Nubian falcon god with the energy of Horus and Osiris. Together Horus & Osiris represent an endless cycle of life and death, and two sides of the same Being. On death Horus becomes Osiris, and then Osiris is re- born as Horus.

Fewer tourists come here and the energy is strong. It’s a large well preserved temple, we reach it via a small boat.

Philae Island: Isis Goddess of Compassion

This beautiful place sits on an island surrounded by the Nile. It’s an important centre for Isis. Her loving energy is similar to Kwan Yin and Mother Mary and she was also revered for being clever and ‘Great of Magic’. 
The archeological evidence gives the earliest reference to Isis worship here at about 600 BC, although the ancient Egyptians claimed it was much, much older. It was last temple in Egypt to practice the old spiritual ways, holding out until about 550 AD, centuries after the Romans occupied Egypt.

Helen will share with you memories of her past life here as a priestess.

Dahabeya Sailing Boat

Late afternoon we check in on board our own private sailing boat. This boat will be our home for the next few days. It’s a fabulous way to travel. As the boat moves slowly down the great river you’ll see cattle, wading birds and lush green land with desert sand beyond. It’s easy to imagine yourself back in ancient times.

Accommodation is in double cabins with ensuite bathrooms, and there is plenty of space on deck to sit in sun or shade.

The boat is only for us making it a very safe space to share and relax. Helen & Daniel will lead meditations and teachings about ancient Egypt while we are on board. If you prefer you are also welcome to rest and enjoy watching the river go by. One of the highlights is seeing the sun set over the water.

Day 4: A day of relaxation, teachings and the double temple of Kom Ombo.

Kom Ombo: Duality

We will dock by at the edge of the river and step off to visit the duality temple of Kom Ombo.

It’s dedicated to Horus the Elder and Sobek. Horus the Elder is an aspect of Horus representing the wisdom that comes from taking responsibility for the self and not blaming others for life’s challenges.  Sobek the crocodile god is an evolved aspect of Set, who was the traditional ‘bad’ guy in the myths and adversary of Horus. Sobek teaches courage.

Initiates in this temple were taught how to overcome fear and one of their tests included swimming with crocodiles. Like most temples it was also a centre for healing and there were teachings about fertility and abundance.

There will be plenty of time on the boat for sharing, discussion, teachings or just relaxing.

Day 5: Today we visit one of the most significant  temples in Egypt plus some more remote places.

Edfu Temple of Horus the Hero

There has been a temple of Horus at Edfu for at least 4,000 years although the current buildings are about 2,200 years old. This is Horus as the hero, warrior and enlightened leader. The Pharaoh’s role was to channel Horus so he could be a great leader for Egypt. Horus is represented as a falcon (see the falcon behind the King).

The priests broke with tradition at Edfu by publishing on the temple walls spiritual information that previously had only been passed on by word of mouth. They did so because they foresaw a time when their knowledge would be forgotten. Some people believe they did this for us, for this period of time when it would most be needed, so we can remember and re-learn.

El Kab: raw goddess energy

In the afternoon we take a mini bus a short way over the desert to less visited and more intimate temples dedicated to a lioness goddess and a mother goddess. These are places of raw and loving power.

Day 6: A full day: visiting a newly restored temple by the Nile then travelling to the West Bank to visit a temple built for a female King.

Esna: Temple of Creation

The delightful Esna Temple was recently cleaned revealing colourful ceilings and columns full of imagery. It’s dedicated to the creator god Khnum who forms people from clay. We will share ancient teaching about the relationship between the physical body, energy body and soul body.

Temple of the female King: Hatshepsut

In the afternoon we take a coach to the West bank of the Nile and a temple for one of Egypt’s most interesting ancient rulers: Hatshepsut.  Arguably she was one of Egypt’s greatest leaders. This stunning 3,500 year old building also looks remarkably modern. This location was once the site for celebration and festivals, and there is a chapel to Hathor, goddess of dance & partying.

Medinet Habu: photo ops and potent power

Ramesses III’s temple at Medinet Habu is large and colourful,  great for fun and photos. Most people don’t notice the much smaller, humble appearing temple next door. Djanet temple is a place of primordial power, dedicated to 8 creator deities. It’s closed to the public, but you can feel the energy through the external walls. We will do our best to gain access for our group.

Day 7: We disembark from our boat and travel inland.

Dendera: Temple of Hathor, Goddess of Joy

Priestesses of Hathor once danced and sang here in ceremonies to ensure fertility and abundance. Hathor is also a protective goddess closely related to Nut, goddess of the sky, which is why the ceilings are painted sky blue. The temple has basement chambers and roof terraces, many of these spaces have a special energy. We will explore!


In the afternoon we arrive at Abydos. This was like Mecca to the ancient Egyptians, and many of them took a pilgrimage to travel here at least once in their life.  It was the centre for the worship of Osiris, god of the underworld, agriculture and earth wisdom.

Day 8: After a night at the House of Life Hotel it’s a 5 minute walk to the main temple in Abydos.

Magical Temple of Seti 1

We visit before the crowds arrive. This superb temple is humming with magic. There are several inner sanctuaries and the many of the drawings are alive with colour and energy. The trinity of Osiris, Horus and Isis is celebrated along with other divinities.  Seti 1 was a initiate of the mysteries and there are teachings embedded in the illustrations.

Behind and connected to the 3,300 year old Seti temple is the much older Osirian, dedicated to Osiris. There are different views about the age of the Osirian, some say it dates back to Atlantis. It has the same type of construction as the Valley  Temple on the Giza plateau.

Luxor & Karnak: Power Centre

In the afternoon we travel by coach to Luxor and check into the Iberotel Hotel for 2 nights.

Luxor & Karnak was the centre of ancient Egyptian political power for many centuries.

Day 9: Karnak temples and some free time.

Free time for Relaxation or Retail Therapy

Free morning to rest by the pool or shop.

There is an option to take an early morning hot air balloon ride (extra cost). 


Early afternoon we drive the short distance to the huge temple complex of Karnak .

Amun-Ra: Creator god

We’ll walk among the massive columns in the temple of Amun-Ra, built to symbolize the primordial swamp out of which creation arose. The power of the ancient priesthood is tangible here. Amun-Ra was one of the creator gods, he is both the hidden potential in all things (Amun) and the manifest light (Ra).

Sekhmet Lioness Goddess

For many people a visit to the sanctuary of Sekhmet the lioness is a highlight. She is a fierce protector and a healer. The ancient Egyptians understood how to imbue a stone statue with a resonant frequency to bring it alive. Here we come face to face with the energy of Sekhmet in her healing form.

More Sacred Places at Karnak There are many other places to visit at Karnak. We will work with our local guide and follow the energy on the day to choose which to go to. It could include the temple of Opet the hippopotamus goddess of abundance and/or the temple of Khonsu the moon god where you can also feel the energy of Thoth, god of knowledge.

Day 10: Today we celebrate life and re-charge our energy.

Temple of Mut the Mother Goddess

The Egyptians considered female energy as protective, and no one protects more than a loving mother. Mut was one of the great mother goddesses. At her temple at the edge of Karnak we connect with her energy and ask for her blessing.

Walk the Ancient Processional Way

Mut’s temple is next to the ancient ceremonial way leading from Karnak to Luxor Temple. In ancient times huge crowds gathered here to see and take part in the annual procession. Sacred shrines carried in small boats by priests, the King and royal family, acrobats, dancers, musicians, soldiers, priests and priestess travelled this same route that we will walk. This is about celebration, inviting abundance and renewal of energy.

Note: If anyone unable to take this 3 km walk, or who chooses not to, we will arrange transport from the Mut Temple to Luxor and meet up at the entrance to Luxor Temple.

The ‘Temple of Man’: Luxor

This magical place is designed to re-charge the Pharaoh’s body so that he/she can hold the higher frequencies of divine energy. Temple initiates were taught how to do the same. Luxor temple is laid out like a human body, designed to activate healing and shifts of consciousness. We will walk through the temple in a meditative state, focusing on recharging, healing and lifting our own energies.

Fly to Cairo

After refreshments and lunch we travel to the airport and fly north to Cairo. We’ll stay the Pyramid Resort by Jaz in Giza.

Day 11: Saqqara pyramids and a once in a lifetime private access to the Great Pyramid & the Sphinx.

Saqqara & Pyramid of Unas

After breakfast we travel to Saqqara and go inside the pyramid of Unas with its exquisite hieroglyphs. You will be able to compare the feeling inside the pyramid of Unas with the feeling inside the great Pyramid.

will also see the stepped pyramid of Dozer and the Heb Sed court, where once Pharaohs were tested publically to prove their worthiness to rule. This beautiful complex of buildings and courtyards dates back at least 4,700 years.

Lunch overlooking the Giza plateau

Next we travel to Giza and relax overlooking the plateau as we prepare for our private access to the pyramid and sphinx.

Private access to the Sphinx

The Sphinx Enclosure is off limits to the public, so we are making special arrangements to enter.

We will be free to connect with this ancient and sacred place. Helen’s perception is that the Sphinx has a consciousness. We will do a process to tune into this ancient Being.

Private access inside the Great Pyramid

Both Helen & Daniel feel the great pyramid is a place that facilitates heightened spiritual awareness and shifts in consciousness. Helen has had an out of body experience here, others report having visions, or healing or deep peace. We will have 2 hours inside this amazing structure for our group only. It’s really valuable to have this private time.

Closing  gathering

We will gather together one more time to share.

Day 12: Final breakfast together before wishing everyone blessings on their onward journeys.

Optional Extra Day to visit the new Museum

There will be an option to stay one more day to visit the new Great Egyptian Museum (GEM).

The GEM is close to our hotel in Giza.


US$ 5,860 per person sharing a twin/double room

including sharing a twin regular cabin on the dahabeya (boat) with ensuite bathroom

US$ 5,960 per person sharing a twin/double room with Suite on the boat
including  sharing a suite with King size bed, ensuite and private balcony on the dahabeya (boat)

There are 3 suites available.

US$ 6,960 for a single room
Please note due to the limited number of cabins, a single cabin on the dahabeya is not guaranteed. So this single supplement is for the hotels only. 

Note about Costs

Please note the are several reasons the cost is what it is. Private access to the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx are very expensive. The 4 nights on the dahabeya (private sail boat), is also expensive but worth it for the quality of experience and freedom it gives us.  There are also a lot of hidden costs such as tipping temple guards and other officials which is necessary in order to gain access to special areas at the sites and to have the best experiences. In addition hotels and tourist services have recently increased because the Egyptian government has just added a new 14% tax on tourist services. This is the reason the fee is what it is. 


US$ 1,000 Deposit  Sharing a twin/double (non refundable ) by 25th August 2024

US$ 1,200 Deposit  Single room (non refundable ) by 25th August 2024


The deposits will be used to purchase domestic air flights + deposit for dahabeya and are non-refundable)


US$ 2,000 before 20th November 2024


Full payment before 1 February  2025


11 nights accommodation including  4 nights on the private dahabeya (boat)

(Hotels as listed in the itinerary or similar)

Arrival and Departure Transfers

Breakfast every morning

9 Lunches

6 Dinners

Domestic flight from Cairo to Aswan

Domestic flight from Luxor to Cairo

Private visit to the Great Pyramid

Private visit inside the Sphinx Enclosure

All entry fees to the sites as per itinerary

English speaking Egyptologist guide

Hotel Tax

Tipping  of temple & sacred site staff, dahabeya crew, local Guide, driver etc

Teachings, ceremonies & meditations


Egypt Tourist Visa (We can arrange this for you, cost is about $30)

International airfare to/from Cairo, Egypt

Cancellation & Medical Insurance

Meals and drinks not specified

Alcoholic drinks

Any items of a personal nature such as laundry, drinks, room service and telephone calls

Tipping – there may be some occasions when a minor tip is requested eg for a bell boy or toilet attendant


email: cwteachings@gmail.com

facebook page: Crystal-Winds Events

IG:  helen_crystal_winds

WhatsApp +44 745 4936 249

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