Saint Michael’s Mount In it’s time the Mount was one of the most important,St Michael shrines in the UK attracting pilgrims from far and wide. There are legends of Archangel Michael appearing here. There is also a legend that Jesus’ uncle, Joseph of Arimathea. Once landed here bringing with him the boy Jesus and his Mother Mary. However this was a sacred site long before Christianity. Many ley lines converge here including the ‘St Michael Line‘ which connects sacred sites across southern England and the ‘Apollo Line‘ which connects Cornwall to ancient sites in mainland Europe including Mont St Michael in France and Delphi in Greece. The island is connected to the mainland by a causeway at low tide. This place has wow factor; it is a beautiful landmark as well as a spiritual center.
St Nectan’s Glen
This place is kept private and special and we are not allowed to show you a photo of the site itself – although this photo of a group hug was taken there. its been argue that this is among the 10 most important spiritual sites in the country. The stunning waterfall and magical pool are alive with nature spirits it is only assessable on foot through a wooded valley.
Boscawen-un stone circle
Stone Circles including:The Merry Maidens where once young women danced and sang in sacred ceremonies. The Boscawen-un stone circle feels very alive and strong earth energy currents meet here. The Hurlers is at least 4-5000 years consisting of three adjacent stone circle and in the middle masculine and feminine ley or dragon lines merge in powerful union of forces. You can stand or line down at this place and feel these energies resonate within you.
Tintagel Castle
With its spectacular location on one of Britain’s most dramatic coastlines. Tintagel is famous as the legendary birth place and home of King Arthur. Merlin was Arthur’s magician and the nearby Merlin‘s cave is rumored to have been used for magical practice. Arthur was the archetypal wise, good, courageous King who governed together with his Knights around the Round Table. Like St Michael he is often depicted with a sword (Excalibur). The myths of King Arthur include powerful female characters such as Queen Guinevere and Morgan the Wise.
Men-an-Tol stone
An ancient site with a special stone with a hole in the middle associated with healing, fertility and divination.