Dear Spiritual Family,

Daniel Darby will be in Hong Kong in October/November offering the following:


Native American Wisdom: Introduction

Shamanic Ceremony Q & A

Abundance Pot Ceremony

Crystal Wisdom: Stone People

Earth & Sky Energy Hands-on Healing (CWT Healing 2)

Body Symbology (CWT Healing 2)

Spiritual Warriorship

Supervision Class for Crystal-Winds Healers

Private Consultations


Scroll down for details. Daniel is a shamanic practitioner, healer and psychic.

To unsubscribe please send us an email.


Native American Wisdom: Introduction

Daniel will talk about his relationship with ‘Red Rolling Thunder’ who is one of Daniel’s primary spirit guides. Red Rolling Thunder is a teacher, a warrior, a Native American ancestor and mentor to Daniel. Daniel will channel Red Rolling Thunder and share a Cherokee Sky Blessing to bring more joy into your life. He will  also introduce his workshops for this trip.

Date: Tues 31st Oct  Fee DONATION

Venue @ Radiant Love Centre,  18/F, Jing Long Commercial Building, 52 Tang Lung St, Causeway Bay

Reservations whatsapp Queena Chan 9731 0416 or via her facebook page ‘thee spiritual source’


Shamanic Ceremony Q & A

For anyone who attended Daniel’s workshops for Ceremony 1 in March 2017. This is an opportunity to ask questions and share.

Date: Wed 1st Nov 7:30-9:30pm Fee DONATION

@ Room Q1, 13/F, Everest Industrial Centre, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kln

Reservations whatsapp Queena Chan 9731 0416 or via her facebook page ‘thee spiritual source’


Abundance Pot Ceremony

A very popular ceremonial process for creating more abundance in your life. You will be instructed on how to prepare during the introduction evening.

Dates: Thurs 2nd Nov 7:30-10:30pm Introduction (FREE)

Sun 12th Nov 12-6pm  Abundance Pot Ceremony HK$2,400 (early bird) or $2,600

@ Room Q1, 13/F, Everest Industrial Centre, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kln

Reservations whatsapp Queena Chan 9731 0416 or via her facebook page ‘thee spiritual source’


Crystal Wisdom: Stone People

Crystals & stones are the record keepers for the Earth. They hold the history and lessons for the planet and all who live here. Native Americans call them ‘Stone People’. Life will sometimes put a stone or crystal on your path that attracts your attention. This ‘stone person’ has something to share with you. Learn how to connect so you can receive the teachings. Daniel’s Native American name is ‘stone sitting’ so he has a natural affinity with stones, rocks and crystals. Daniel has a lot to share during the weekend, including: Stone People knowledge, advanced crystal programming, the count of a crystal and its meaning, sacred geometry and crystals, protection & healing with crystals, caring for & feeding crystals, finding crystals that are good for people, finding the properties of crystals (without books!), having a ‘Stone Person’ teach you and more..

Date: Sat 4th & Sun 5th Nov from 11am-6pm Fee HK$2,700 (early bird) or $2,900

@ Room Q1, 13/F, Everest Industrial Centre, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kln

Reservations whatsapp Queena Chan 9731 0416 or via her facebook page ‘thee spiritual source’


Earth & Sky Energy Hands-on Healing (CWT Healing 2)

This powerful system of hands-on healing uses the energy of Mother Earth & Father Sky. In this practical workshop you will learn: ‘virus scramble’ to remove a virus, ‘swish’ for relaxing and filling a client with energy, spine balancing, ‘push & pull’ to shift stuck energy, energetic acupuncture to impact the present, past and future and connecting with a spirit doctor guide to help you. Earth & Sky Level 1 or the catch-up class with Queena Chan is a perquisite.

Date: Mon 6th, Wed 8th, Thurs 9th Nov 7:30-10:30pm, Fee HK$1,890, $2,040 or $2,190

@ Room Q1, 13/F, Everest Industrial Centre, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kln

Reservations whatsapp Queena Chan 9731 0416 or via her facebook page ‘thee spiritual source’


Body Symbology (CWT Healing 2)

Emotional/mental stress is often reflected in the physical dis-ease. Understanding the symbolism of the physical body can give you the tools to help release stuck energy and bring about healing. Topics include: ‘cookbook’ body symbology, intuitive body reading, reading the body as a medicine wheel to gain insight, chakra symbology, using this in your personal life and healing practice.

Date: Mon 13th Nov 7:30-10:30pm Fee: from HK$630, $680 or $730

@ Room Q1, 13/F, Everest Industrial Centre, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kln

Reservations whatsapp Queena Chan 9731 0416 or via her facebook page ‘thee spiritual source’


Spiritual Warriorship

A spiritual warrior lives their life with truth & integrity. They can stand up for themselves and hold a boundary. A warrior only kills for survival, and never in anger. A warrior is innocent. A warrior makes the world a better place. Topics include: Native American understanding of what it means to be a warrior, counting coup to build courage, being true to yourself, living your life with honour, warriors creed, being in charge of your life. Both women & men benefit from warriorship training.

Date: Sat 11th Nov 3-6pm Fee: from HK$680 or $730

@ Room Q1, 13/F, Everest Industrial Centre, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kln

Reservations whatsapp Queena Chan 9731 0416 or via her facebook page ‘thee spiritual source’


Supervision Class for Crystal-Winds Healers

This supervision session is for the purposes of sharing, and reflecting upon, healing work, under Daniel’s supervision. It is an opportunity to talk about your practical experience working with clients, and ask questions. For students who have taken any Crystal-Winds Healing workshop.

Date: Sunday 5th Nov 7-8:30pm, Fee $130

@ Room Q1, 13/F, Everest Industrial Centre, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kln

Please reserve a place directly with Daniel via facebook or email.


Private Consultations                                                                                 


Ascension Training (Egyptian style)

In ancient Egypt initiates were placed in a small enclosure and left in the dark to prepare them for ascension. This tested their courage and helped them develop self knowledge. Come and experience a taste of what this was like. This is for people who want to speed up their spiritual growth, and gain insight. Daniel will wrap you and place you inside a sarcophagus within a pyramid. At the start he will guide you on your journey then you are left alone to find light in the dark, courage, and a positive way forwards.

2 hours: HK2,800 or $2,600 (early bird), 4 hours $4800/4600, Mini sessions of 30mins also available for $700. Note: to go through a more powerful initiation and spend the night in the sarcophagus, please contact Daniel or Queena directly.


Reading: ‘Throwing the Bones’

Traditional shamanic reading; Daniel throws a collection of symbolic objects and reads the pattern. This method can tell you about the cycles of your life, what your current strengths & lessons are, and gives accurate timing for predictions and can be used to plan when to do something.

60 minutes, HK1,400 or $1,300 (early bird)


Soul Reading

Daniel helps you communicate more deeply with your soul to gain insight into life purpose, life lessons, health, gain more clarity about your life and your next steps.

60 minutes, HK1,400 or $1,300 (early bird)


Shamanic Healing

Intensive one on one healing with Daniel. He uses a combination of counselling, sound healing, hands-on, web wisdom, psychic work and hypnotherapy as appropriate.

60 minutes, HK1,400 or $1,300 (early bird)


Emotional, Mental & Physical Body Healing Ceremony

Daniel uses a combination of shamanic healing, hands-on energy healing, medicine wheel and his psychic skills. Benefits can include: feeling more emotionally balanced, calmer mind, more energy, improved immune system, healing of past hurts, feeling more creative and alive.

2 hours : HK2,500 or $2,400 (early bird)


Spiritual Body Healing and Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is the process of recovering parts of yourself that you lost during times of trauma or pain. Benefits can include increased connection with your higher self, increased life force or chi, greater sense of being complete or whole, feeling more positive, greater clarity about your life.

2 hours : HK2,500 or $2,400 (early bird)


DATES for private consultations

KWUN TONG:  Between 1st-13th Nov whatsapp Queena Chan 9731 0416